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Wednesday, April 22, 2009


The motivating word to be placed after the first posting..

The only challenge to write a blog is keep on writing...persistently =)
There are many ways to learn about being persistent

One of the ways is to check out the line of ants

Ants...persistently go out for searching their food
Ants...persistently keep the food in a period of time
Ants...persistently maintaining their food
Ants...persistently in being persistent

Recently, i've noticed that being a conceptual person is nice..However, a concept without a good execution is not nice =(
Creating systems, analyzing things, and finding new ideas are motivating me. But, it needs tons of motivation to move make the ideas into reality. Brilliant ideas without motivation is nothing. Most of the time..i believe that i have something great within be shared to others. Unfortunately, i got trapped by my ideas ONLY. When time comes to move on, my energy is as if run out for the ideas. I never dare to take my first step to move on..Then, when i got it, soon i will be exhausted for the next steps onward. Not mentioning when i fall, it's so hard to get up and start another step to move on.

Persistence is the fuel. To keep moving forward..
A good lesson from tiny ants army ^^

PS: I believe my writing will get better and better to bless persistent!

First Launch!


This is the first-launched posting in my personal blogs
There's always the first time for everything..
Is the first time to share the blessings


*Life is short..yet it's worthy and precious in HIM*