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Friday, December 9, 2011

My First Christmas Craft ^^

Hullo, all..

Recently i'm falling in luv with quilling arts...
They are so simple yet beautiful ^^

So, i tried to make some patterns...

Thank you for the inspiring artists: Antonella DeFaleo and Stephanie Sanchez.
I adopted my first crafts from their pattern =)

Have a wonderful Christmas everyone!!

* John 1:1-14*

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Lesson from Weeds' Root

It was on weekend when i was helping my mom to clean my front mini yard from the weeds.

As usual, i pulled out the weeds with my hands thus they're pulled till the roots. Cutting them was not effective enough to press their growth since the roots were left.

As i finished pulling the weeds out, i saw the soil was quite a mess here and there before i reconstruct them again into a better form. Then, at a glance i was amazed by the whole process i've been through with the weeds. The 'destruction' made by the pulled roots gave me an insight about consequences of pulling out the root and led me into a deeper understanding on how our Creator worked the same process with me (us).

1. In our life, there were weeds of problems (hurt feelings, bad habits, and trauma) that grew in our heart. Some weeds has rooted for quite long time thus pulling them out would definitely injure us.
However, pulling them out till the roots is the only way to get our heart clean. Cutting them on the surface wouldn't solve the real problems.

2. The mess soil was torn due to the pulling out and that changed the structure of the soil. If i may say, it re-structured the soil. As the weeds in our heart pulled out, our heart was re-structured again.

3. Despite of the hurt of injury and the weird feelings of the 're-construction', there was a new strength within the soil. It's somehow more fertile and got more spaces for the flowers (good habits and joy) to grow.
Soon, the mess made would be healed by the Mighty Gardener =)

What a great lesson from tiny weeds' root ^^
Soli Deo Gloria!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

(Don't) Judge A Book from Its Cover

Yesterday was like my other days of going back home with public transportation.
There was a long-haired man who wore a black leather jacket holding a backpack.
He looked like a gangster (without tattoo) to me..

For a while, i noticed that he was looking around for several times.
I dare myself to ask him, "Are you looking for a specific destination, Sir?"
Him : "Yes, i'm looking for the bus terminal"
Me : " don't miss it. It's still ahead distance."
Him : "All right, thank you."
(Even he left his greeting to me before he was going off from the car..such a polite manner!)

Short conversation, yet it taught me a lesson of not stereotyping someone from his look =)

Well, i hope he was doing fine with his trip..

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Purple Koala ^^

My Note at FB
#2nd Note ~ Result of Personality Quiz on March 2010 (i'm a Purple Koala ^^)

Purple Koala seems quiet from the outside, you like to look after junior fellows, and is a very popular person.
However, unlike your external outlook, you have a fire burning inside, and are a person of great fight.
Once you come across obstacles, you tackle it fiercely.
You are effectively well balanced with being "active" internally, and "calm" externally.
You are extremely clever, and have sharp sensitivity.
You are good at analyzing the future.
You can act smoothly, and can handle affaires easily.
Nevertheless, if you act too fast, unnecessary clash and loss may occur, and you may end up handling those.
Set backs and failures may be caused by your external and internal conflict.
You can overcome these conflicts by cherishing friends who would give you advice.
You don't like to change your mind.
When you become obstinate, you should step back and try to get help from the others.
By doing so, you can increase your good fortune.
The secret of success lies in how you can build up good relationship with other people.

Antara Malu, Tertantang, dan...Nyerah juga XD

My Note at FB
# 1st Note

Pernahkah kau berada di tengah2 para expert? (dan satu2nya amatir yang kau kenal adalah dirimu....) T.T


Itu yang kualami hu hu..

Well, bermula dari tawaran (weeks ago) menjadi salah satu keyboardist untuk sebuah perayaan bulan depan. Sebenarnya telah kuupayakan untuk berkata jujur that "I can't! not because I don't want's just..i'm amateur" Tapi apa daya..semangat tinggi terus ditanamkan paling ga supaya aku mencoba.

Ok, akhirnya aku memberanikan diri dateng di latihan perdana kemaren.

Alert 1.
Beberapa partitur dalam rupa not balok (hiks..nyesel juga..kenapa dari dulu ga pernah mo belajar baca not balok. Dulu selalu ditelaah, trus diapalin..jadi ga mau maen piano pake partitur)

Alert 2.
Kebanyakan lagu2nya belum ku-kenal..dieng!!

Alert 3.
Datanglah 3 partner keyboardist yang laen..yang adalah....eng ing eng..para keyboardist yang selama ini ngiringin di perayaan tersebut. Ok..let's say..they're expert! really....and there i was..with them. Seruangan ama mereka..T.T (well, bangga juga sih..sekaligus grogi berat..)

Akhirnya..saatnya latihan tiba!!

Babak I
Partitur en teks lagu udah nangkringdi depan keyboard..rekan2 keyboardist yang lain mulai pemanasan "melemaskan" jari2 di atas tuts tuts..pengen tau dimanakah aku? dan apa yang kulakukan?
Sodara2...Aku terbengong di depan keyboardku sambil nyari2 tombol power (On/Off) nya..karena aq ga yakin itu keyboard udah nyala ato belon...(dieng!) Bener2 ini pertama kalinya latihan pake keyboard..Oh NO!! (udik abis)

Babak II
Akhirnya beberapa partner mulai membaca raut wajahku yang kebingungan mencetin tuts2 dan nanya "emang biasanya Ike main apa?" pertanyaan bagus! "Aku biasa maen piano..tapi ngga expert2 banget..dan ga pernah main keyboard sebelomnya.." (What an answer!!T.T)

Babak III
Beberapa lagu..mulai kita mainkan..(jangan bayangin latian yang mulus kayak jalan tol yaa...)
Mulai dari cari intro..cari kunci..cari nada..dan dalam kesemuanya kayak anak TK yang baru pertama kali diajarin maen keyboard.

Selama latihan itu..ada perasaan yang bercampur aduk kayak gado2 di kantin bawah..
Malu..karena aku yang paling amateur (jadinya latiannya tambah molor..)
Bingung..karena sense of musicnya ga nangkep full (kutangkep sebisaku aja..)
Hepi..karena dengerin musik (sempet ngerasain ini walau hanya beberapa menit)
Takut..grogi..karena banyak kunci2 yang slendro
AKU MENYERAH! Well, dengan latian yang cuma 2x lagi (sebelon ama choirnya...) ga nututi untuk belajar semua lagu2 itu dan jadi tim yang sepadan buat rekan2 keyboardist yang laen =( Sebenarnya, sempet merasa tertantang untuk terus mencoba dan belajar...tapi..akhirnya...aku pikir lebih baik menyerahkannya pada yang lebih ahli.

Fiuh! (lega...tapi malah jadi pengen belajar musik lagi...)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


The motivating word to be placed after the first posting..

The only challenge to write a blog is keep on writing...persistently =)
There are many ways to learn about being persistent

One of the ways is to check out the line of ants

Ants...persistently go out for searching their food
Ants...persistently keep the food in a period of time
Ants...persistently maintaining their food
Ants...persistently in being persistent

Recently, i've noticed that being a conceptual person is nice..However, a concept without a good execution is not nice =(
Creating systems, analyzing things, and finding new ideas are motivating me. But, it needs tons of motivation to move make the ideas into reality. Brilliant ideas without motivation is nothing. Most of the time..i believe that i have something great within be shared to others. Unfortunately, i got trapped by my ideas ONLY. When time comes to move on, my energy is as if run out for the ideas. I never dare to take my first step to move on..Then, when i got it, soon i will be exhausted for the next steps onward. Not mentioning when i fall, it's so hard to get up and start another step to move on.

Persistence is the fuel. To keep moving forward..
A good lesson from tiny ants army ^^

PS: I believe my writing will get better and better to bless persistent!

First Launch!


This is the first-launched posting in my personal blogs
There's always the first time for everything..
Is the first time to share the blessings


*Life is short..yet it's worthy and precious in HIM*